Thursday, November 20, 2008


I had a short day of sight seeing on the eastern side of the Danube, the side that is Pest. The weather today was beautiful despite the know-nothing's weather people's forecasts. Beautiful, original buildings. World War II didn't destroy Budapest or Hungary as a whole, the way that it hit Poland or most of Europe. Tomorrow my plan is to soak in the baths and go to the opera.

For dinner tonight I had Hungarian stuffed cabbage. The Poles make a stuffed cabbage dish call golubki. These two dishes are almost identical. Cabbage leaves stuffed with rice and minced meat and then (I think) steamed. In Poland I had golubki with a tomato sauce. Tonight it was covered/surrounded in a spicy sour kraut that was delicious. With a piece of bread, that saucekraut, and the stuffed of my new favorites!

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